The Consequences of CIA-sponsored Regime Change in Latin America  (with Sam Absher and Robin Grier, Forthcoming, European Journal of Political Economy.
Two birds with one stone: Reducing corruption raises national income (with Jamie Pavlik and Robin M. Grier, Forthcoming, Social Science Quarterly
Interest group responses to reform efforts in the US House of Representatives: the case of the sugar industry (with Robin Grier and Gor Mkrtchian), American Political Science Review, February 2023.
Anti-sweatshop activism and the safety-employment tradeoff: Evidence from Bangladesh's Rana Plaza disaster (with Towhid Mahmood and Ben Powell), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 208 (2023): 174-190.
Love on the Rocks: The Causal effect of Separatist Governments in Quebec (with Vincent Geloso), European Journal of Political Economy, Forthcoming.
The Causal Effects of Rule of Law and Property Rights on Fiscal Capacity (with Robin Grier and Andrew Young), European Journal of Political Economy, Forthcoming.
Breaking up is hard to do. Lessons from the strange case of New Zealand (with Michael Munger), Social Science Quarterly, 2021, pages 2453-3049.
Democracy, Regime Duration, and Growth (with Michael Munger), Revista do Serviço Público, Forthcoming.
The Washington Consensus Works: Causal Effects of Reform, 1970-2015 (with Robin Grier), Journal of Comparative Economics, 2020.
The economic consequences of durable left-populist regimes in Latin America (with Sam Absher & Robin Grier), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020 177. p. 787-817.
Household responses to escalating violence in Mexico (with Luisa Blanco, Robin Grier & Dan Hicks), Applied Economics Letters, 2020.
You say you want a (Rose) Revolution? The effects of Georgia's 2004 Market Reforms (with Sam Absher and Bob Lawson), Economics of Transition and Institutional Change 27.1 (2019): 301-323.
Heterogenous endogeneity, (with Pallab Ghosh and Jaeho Kim), Statistical Papers, 2019, pp. 1-40.
The Economic Consequences of Hugo Chavez (with Norman Maynard), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, May 2016, pages 1-21 (lead article)
Marriage Market Matching and Conspicuous Consumption in China (with Dan Hicks and Weici Yuan), Economic Inquiry, April 2016, pages 1251–1262
Political fractionalization and delay in fiscal stabilizations: A duration analysis (with Shu Lin and Haichun Ye), Public Choice, 2015, Volume 164, Issue 1, p. 157-175
Exchange Rate Shocks and Trade: A Multivariate GARCH-M Approach (with Aaron Smallwood), Journal of International Money and Finance, October 2013, 37: 282-305.
Do High Interest Rates Deter Speculative Attacks? Evidence and Some Theory (with Shu Lin), Journal of International Money and Finance, 2010, 29(5): 938-950.
Elections, Exchange Rates & Reform in Latin America (with Rodolfo Cermeño and Robin Grier), Journal of Development Economics, 2010, 92(2): 166-174.
Speculative attacks and defenses as a war of attrition: Theory and an example (with Shu Lin), European Journal of Political Economy, 2009, 25(4): 540-546.
Trust and Development (with Jacob Dearmon), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009, 71: 210-220.
Twin sons of different mothers: the long and short of the twin deficits debate (with Haichun Ye), Economic Inquiry, 2009, 47(4): 625-638.
Presidential Elections and Real GDP growth in the USA, Public Choice, 2008, 135, (3), 337-352.
Only Income Diverges: A Neoclassical Anomaly (with Robin Grier), Journal of Development Economics, 2007, 84(1): 25-45.
Uncertainty and Export Performance: Evidence from 18 Countries (with Aaron Smallwood), Journal of Money, Credit, & Banking, 2007, 39(4): 965-979.
External Influences on Economic Reform: Reform as a Regional Public Good (with Daniel Sutter), European Journal of Political Economy, 2007, 23(3): 660-673.
On the Real Effects of Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Mexico (with Robin Grier), Journal of Development Economics, 2006, 80: 478-500.
Inflation, Presidents, Fed Chairs and Regime Shifts in the US real interest rate (with Tony Caporale), Journal of Money, Credit & Banking, December 2005; 37: 1153-1163.
How Smart is my Dummy? Time Series Tests for the Influence of Politics (with Tony Caporale), Political Analysis, Winter 2005; 13: 77 - 94.
The Asymmetric Effects of Uncertainty on Inflation and Output Growth (with Olan Henry, Nilss Olekalns, and Kalvinder Shields), Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2004, Volume 19, p. 551-565.
The Real Exchange Rate Process and its Real Effects: The cases of Mexico and the USA (with Fausto Hernandez Trillo), Journal of Applied Economics, May 2004, p. 1-25.
Party, Incumbency and the Effects of Economic Fluctuations on House Elections, 1916-1996 (with Joe McGarrity), Public Choice, January 2002 p. 143 - 162.
Macroeconomic Indicators, Exchange Rate Regimes, Currency Depreciation and Stock Market Performance in the Crisis of 1997 (with Robin Grier), Economic Inquiry, January 2001, p. 139-148.
Political Regime Change and the Real Interest Rate (with Tony Caporale), Journal of Money, Credit & Banking,August 2000 p. 320-334.
Political Cycles in Non-Traditional Settings, Theory and Evidence for Mexico (with Robin Grier), Journal of Law and Economics, April 2000, p. 239-263.
The Effects of Uncertainty on Macroeconomic Performance: Bivariate GARCH Evidence (with Mark Perry), Journal of Applied Econometrics, January-February 2000 p. 45-58.
A Political Model of Monetary Policy with Application to the Real Rate of Interest (with Tony Caporale), Journal of Law & Economics, October 1998, p. 409-428.
Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in the G-7 Countries (with Mark Perry), Journal of International Money and Finance,1998, 17(4): 671-689.
Inflación e Incertidumbre Inflacionaria en México, 1960 - 1997 (with Robin Grier), Trimestre Económico Julio - Septiembre 1998, p. 407-426.
The Effect of Macroeconomic Fluctuations on the Electoral Fortunes of House Incumbents (with Joseph McGarrity), Journal of Law & Economics April 1998, p. 142-161.
El Papel de la Estrategia Cambiaria en el Comportamiento Económico de Países en Desarrollo: Evidencia para 1997 (with Robin Grier), Economía Mexicana, Winter 1998, p. 115-131.
Inflation, Inflation Uncertainty and Relative Price Dispersion: Evidence from Bivariate GARCH-M Models, Journal of Monetary Economics, October 1996, 38(2): 391-405.
Electoral Politics and the Executive Veto (with M. McDonald and R.D. Tollision), Economic Inquiry, July 1995, p. 427-440.
The Determinants of Industry Political Activity, 1978-1986 (with M.C. Munger and B. Roberts), American Political Science Review, December 1994, p. 911 - 926.
The Rookie Draft and Competitive Balance: The Case of Professional Football (with Robert Tollison), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,1994, 25(3): 293-299.
The Effect of Money Shocks on Interest Rates in the Presence of Conditional Heteroskedasticity (with Mark Perry), Journal of Finance, September 1993 p. 1445-55.
Comparing Interest Group PAC Contributions to House and Senate Incumbents, 1980 - 1986 (with Michael C. Munger), Journal of Politics, August 1993 p. 615-43.
On the (Mis)Measurement of Ideology and Legislator Shirking (with Brian Goff), Public Choice, June 1993 p. 5-20.
Ideology and Representation in American Politics, Public Choice, June 1993 p. 1-4.
Congressional Influence on U.S. Monetary Policy: An Empirical Test, Journal of Monetary Economics, October 1991, 28(2): 201-220.
The Industrial Organization of Corporate Political Participation (with B. Roberts and M. Munger), Southern Economic Journal, January 1991 p. 727 - 738.
Committee Assignments, Constituent Preferences and Campaign Contributions to House Incumbents (with M.C. Munger), Economic Inquiry, January 1991, p. 24 - 43.
Arbitrage in a Basketball Economy, (with R.D. Tollison), Kyklos, 1990 Volume 43, #4 p. 611 - 624.
Allocation Patterns of PAC Monies: The Case of the U.S. Senate (with M.C. Munger and G. Torrent), Public Choice, November 1990, p. 111-28.
An Empirical Analysis of Cross-National Economic Growth (with Gordon Tullock), Journal of Monetary Economics, September 1989, 24(2): 259-276.
Campaign Spending and Senate Elections, 1978 - 1984, Public Choice December 1989, p. 201-19.
On the Existence of a Political Monetary Cycle, American Journal of Political Science, May 1989, p. 376-89.
Presidential Politics and Federal Reserve Independence: an Empirical Test, Southern Economic Journal, October 1987, p. 475-486.
Deficits, Politics and Money Growth (with Howard Neiman), Economic Inquiry, April 1987, p. 201-14.
A Note on Unanticipated Money Growth and Interest Rate Surprises: Makin and Mishkin Revisited, Journal of Finance, September, 1986 p. 981-85.
Monetary Policy as a Political Equilibrium, Cato Journal, Fall 1986, 6(2): 539-544.
The Impact of Legislator Attributes on Interest Group Campaign Contributions (with Michael Munger), Journal of Labor Research, September 1986, 7(4): 349-361.
The Determinants of Local School Spending: Some Consistent Estimates(with Arthur Denzau), Public Choice, December 1984, p. 375-83.